Six years ago, when we were deep in consumer debt, we decided that we were going to get serious about getting rid of that debt. We made that our main goal (after marriage and family). We would do whatever it took to get our financial house in order.
Dave Ramsey calls this “Gazelle Intense”. We were so set on the goal that we would not be deterred.
Fast forward to the day when we paid off the last debt to American Distress. THAT was a freeing moment. But, it was also a scary one.
I’ve heard stories about how inmates released from prison have a hard time acclimating to the outside world. Some are scared to leave what they’ve known as normal for so long.
While I don’t know that experience first hand, I can imagine that feeling. Being debt-free is amazing and freeing, but it’s also a little scary.
What do we do now?
Most folks would say, “Celebrate.” And we did. We found that we were able to enjoy things more after we paid off our last debt. Not necessarily enjoy more things, but enjoy things more. The simple things, like dinner out, had more value since they were paid for!
Eventually, we worked to fund a long-term emergency fund and begin to save for retirement. We should do more, like get serious about college funds and saving for a house, but I’ll confess, sometimes it’s hard to have the stamina just to do what we do.
Sometimes I really want to throw caution to the wind and splurge on something. Sometimes, I fall back into old habits.Thankfully, my splurges don’t get too far past the grocery store and when they do they’re something minor. But, still…. It’s hard to keep up the money-saving stamina.
I don’t have any suggestions to offer on the topic. At least not today. It’s been a hard week. I’m tired, and my body is aching. I’m trying to stay away from the google.
But, I’d love to dialogue about this with you.
- Do you find it hard to stick to your financial goals?
- If so, what do you do to get back in line?
- If not, what’s your secret to staying on track?
This is Frugal Friday. In an effort to make these weekly financial discussions more interactive, I’m no longer posting a link-up. Feel free to leave a link in the comments. But better yet, chat with us on today’s topic.
Money-Saving Stamina (Frugal Friday) is a post from: Life As Mom. © Jessica Getskow Fisher - All rights reserved.